Congratulations must go to W Bro Steve Ward who was given the acting rank of Provincial Junior Grand Deacon for 20-21 and also the same congratulations go to W Bro Dean Anderson who has been promoted to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden. Sadly, because of the present Covid-19 situation neither Brother can be presented with their honours. Hopefully they will be able to at some point in the future.
Tonight was to be our Installation, but because of the continuing restrictions we are unable to meet up. At the present time it is not known when we will be having our Installation! Watch this space!
There is a plaque in the Lodge room dedicated to Bro Arthur Mullen a member of the Lodge. He was the only member from Ryton to lose his life in the 1939-45 war. He died in Burma in 1944. So, on this the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day we will remember him and all those other brave servicemen that lost their lives in the far east. We will remember them.
The Secretary was informed that W Bro Peter D Jones sadly passed away peacefully at his son's home on Sunday 26th April 2020, he was 95 years old.
Peter joined Ryton Holy Cross Lodge on Monday 14th May 1990 and very quickly became one of our most loved members. he joined us from Weyland Lodge No 6507 which is in Oxfordshire where he had been a Head Teacher. he retired to Ryton, so that his wife could be near her relatives in the North-East. Although Peter never took the chair in the Lodge he did do a fair bit of work in the Lodge and was an active member of the F&GP Committee. But when his inability to walk very far became obvious he had to stop attending the Lodge, but kept up his interest in what was going on mainly due to living just across the road and through his friendship with W Bro Brian Edwards. After spending a few years on his own after his wife died, he sold his bungalow and moved down to London to live with his son. It was there that he was presented with his 50 years certificate by the then Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro John Watts while he was there at the Grand Lodge meeting. He was afterwards made an Honorary member. Even though Peter lived away from the Lodge, the thought that he is no longer with us and has ascended to the Grand Lodge above will still leave a sadness that we won't see him again. Monday 20th April was supposed to be our 1001 meeting, but obviously that did not take place. Instead we experimented with a Zoom conversation, which proved very good and it was nice to see some of the brethren again after such a long time in lockdown. We are hoping to do this on a regular basis until we can get back to normality.
Finally, when we think of Absent Bretren can we also think of all those NHS staff that are putting their lives in danger to help others and in particular our own Organist and Past Master W Bro Mavin Macauley who is working extremely hard. As you all know all Masonic activity has been cancelled effectively until our Installation in October. It is thought we might have to call a meeting in September if it is allowed, this to start the election process. But in the meantime there is nothing to stop you from getting your little ritual book out and making a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge! Enjoy your reading and please stay safe!
Talking of making a daily advancement in Masonic Knowledge, why not download the Team App from your app store to your mobile and keep up to date with all that is going on in Durham Freemasonry. It has a load of very useful and interesting information on it. Go on! You know you want to! On the 22nd February saw the Ryton Holy Cross Lodge 4231 hold its Ladies night. It was at the excellent venue of Close House Golf Club near Wylam.
The Worshipful Master Bob Lydon along with his wife Janis greeted 70 guests consisting of lodge members, their good Ladies and their personal guests as they arrived to a champagne reception. The meal was absolutely a dream as expected at such avenue. The Ladies Song was delivered by W Bro Jim Jordan of Ryton Holy Cross Lodge along with W Bro George Paylor of Ryton St Mary’ s Lodge. Mrs Janis Lydon suitably responded. The entertainment was provided by Jason King who sang many popular “swing” songs and had everyone up dancing throughout the evening. The Worshipful Master Bob and Janis had dressed the tables with lighting within table balloons and provided most of the raffle prizes themselves. The guests were most generous in buying tickets which raised £520 which is destined for the Children’s Ward of the RVI Hospital. The night was an outstanding success and carriages arrived at 11-30 (ish) and all went home very satisfied. A truly excellent Masonic Ladies evening in great company. Monday 9th March will see Ryton Holy Cross Lodge celebrate its 1,000th Meeting. There is to be a short talk by W Bro M Ormiston and W Bro I Hawkes and after the meeting we will have our Festive Board where a 3 course dinner will be served. A Bottle Draw will take place. Why not come along and enjoy some good Masonic company.
The Worshipful Master Bob Lydon and his good lady Janis are holding a Ladies night on the 22nd February at Close House Golf Venue. This is not a golf club in the normal sense, but a FIRST CLASS dining experience, in a fabulous setting used by celebrities from sport, TV and entertainment. Have a look at their website on
The Worshipful Master has put a lot of time and money into making this a success and although this function has been mentioned several times at the lodge, the uptake has not been high within our own membership. The cost of £40 per head is not excessive considering what we will receive in return. It is many years since the Lodge had a ladies Night and primarily this is a function for the members and their partners, but it is an opportunity to invite friends and relatives to see Masonry in its social side and you are urged to consider joining us on the 22nd February. Dress code is Evening suit with the Ladies looking immaculate it should be a very good night. The entertainment for the evening will be Jason King and he is well known for “Swing and Soul”, you can see him on his website if you require any information please email the Secretary at [email protected] Monday 11th November will go down as a busy night for the Lodge, we had to invest our D.C. and Asst D.C., welcome W Bro Michael Graham, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Then Initiate a new member, present a 50 Years Certificate and present a Gold Award!
The Lodge was opened at 7.05 and after the usual formalities W Bro Urwin and W Bro Bill Graham MBE were invested as D.C and Asst. D.C. respectively. Soon after we welcomed W Bro Michael Graham, the Asst P.G.M into the Lodge, after which we all stood as a mark of respect to the Fallen and in particular Bro Arthur Mullen the only Brother in Ryton Holy Cross Lodge to lose his life in wartime. Mr Gary Horn was then Initiated into Freemasonry, he then witnessed a lovely presentation of a 50 years Continuous Service Certificate to W Bro John Hodgkinson. Although we haven't seen a great deal of W Bro John in recent years due to him living in Yorkshire he has always been held in high esteem. The Asst P.G.M. was having a busy night as well, because he then presented our Charity Steward, W Bro Bill Dawson with the Gold Medal as the Lodge had reached its total for the 2021 Festival. At the Festive Board W Bro Norman Moffitt movingly played the "Last Post" to commemorate Armistice Day. The Asst P.G.M during his reply said that the Lodge was well and truely on its way to the Platinum Badge through the very generous donation from W Bro John Hodgkinson and some other donations on the night. All together a very special day in the history of Ryton Holy Cross Lodge. |
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